How to get an ABN in Australia
How to apply and reapply
The ABN is a unique 11-digit number that identifies your business or organisation to the government and community.
Not everyone is entitled to an ABN. You may face prosecution or criminal charges if you apply for an ABN, register for GST and claim GST refunds when you’re not entitled.
At Strategic Tax Accountants we can help to apply your ABN number easily.
Processing your application
Your application will be processed faster if we can identify you from the information you provide, such as your tax file number.
If you don’t have all the information now, you can still start your application and save it as you go, but the issuing of your ABN is likely to be delayed.
A successful application
If your application is successful:
- you’ll receive your 11-digit ABN immediately
- you should print or save the confirmation of your ABN and ABN details
- you can immediately apply for other business registrations, such as GST
- your details will be added to the Australian Business Register (ABR). You can request that certain details not be disclosed should you have privacy concerns
- it’s now your responsibility to keep your details up to date.
If you receive a reference number it may mean we need to check some details in your application or more information is needed. We aim to review your application within 20 business days and contact you if further information is needed.
You can check ABN LookupExternal link at any time to see if the ABN has been successfully processed. If the application is processed successfully after our review, a letter confirming your ABN and ABN details will be sent within 14 days.